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Environment-Reactive Computation (with Ladybug)

In the "Environment-Reactive Computation (with Ladybug)" workshop, we'll learn how to create sustainable designs using infinitely scalable methods.

Mar 2, 3, 2024
8 Hours
29.75 EUR (40.50%) discount
Available Indefinitely

We now have the ability to design systems with unlimited specificity using modern manufacturing techniques. Tools like Grasshopper, Lunchbox, and Ladybug allow us to create parameterized spaces that adapt to the surrounding environment without requiring expensive, power-hungry movement systems or manually tuned pieces that degrade over time. We can develop infinitely customizable approaches that creatively react to the surrounding environment using site forces around a piece of architecture.

This technique can create building shapes, facade systems, program layouts, and more. By utilizing computational techniques as a tool for sustainable development, we can better understand the various effects that different building systems will have and how even minor changes can have significant effects.

Teach the basics of Ladybug and dive better into list structure. 
With the basics of list structure, the goal is that participants can take these techniques and apply them to real-world projects.
Create a distinctive and customized design that stands out.
Students will learn more about the mathematics behind some of these concepts, like the sigmoid function, and understand the power of Grasshopper.
The future of architecture is sustainable design; techniques to simulate the environment computationally will only become more democratized.
 This workshop will teach attendees how to use and integrate these tools creatively with other parametric design tools.
  • Suggested/Extras:


  • Mesh+ Plugin – Useful for manipulating meshes.
  • Lumion – Student and Faculty version is free, with a 14-day free trial.



Total sessions: 2 Sessions
PAACADEMY will provide a certificate of attendance.


Jacob Lehrer is working on the academic side of sustainable architecture and is trying to learn about the future of our built environment. He started his academic career at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture with a concentration in Emerging Technologies. Learning Rhino and Grasshopper, he developed systems to create facades, pavilions, and sculptures using Kuka Robotics systems and Wasp clay 6-axis printing. With a focus on cutting-edge computational technologies and a commitment to sustainable design, Lehrer currently contributes his expertise to the MIT Mathematics Department.Holding three LEED AP accreditations in Building Design and Construction (BD+C), Operations and Maintenance (O+M), and Neighborhood Development (ND), Lehrer’s projects blend aesthetics and sustainable computation with a core focus on the environment. The bridge between academia and practice has never been closer, and he hopes by developing workshops and talks,


2 reviews. Join the discussion!
Amin mostafavi

Amin mostafavi 2024-10-09 22:38:01


Aya Khaled

Aya Khaled 2024-12-09 13:28:29

it was perfect