Distant Sales Agreement

Distant Sales Agreement for Parametric Architecture

Article 1: Parties
Address: 651 North Broad St, Suite 201 - Middletown - Delaware / 19709 - USA
Phone: +12136676964
E-Mail: [email protected]

Buyer: [Your-Full-Name]
Title: [Invoice-Name][Invoice-Company]
Address: [Your-Address]
Phone: [Your-Number]
Email: [Your-Email]

The subject of this agreement, the SELLER`s website, www.paacademy.com, orders placed electronically, having the qualifications mentioned in the contract, the sale price of the products specified on the site with the sale and delivery of the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and Contracts Determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Principles and Procedures. PURCHASER, the basic characteristics of the products subject to sale, sales price, payment method, delivery conditions, etc., accepts and declares that it has knowledge of all preliminary information and right of withdrawal of the product subject to sale, confirms this information in electronic form and then orders the product. The preliminary information and invoice on www.paacademy.com are integral parts of this agreement. As soon as the order is realized, the BUYER shall be deemed to have accepted all the terms of this agreement.

SELLER offers textile, clothing and accessory products for sale. The contracted product and its features, materials, color, sales price, and delivery conditions are given in the product specifications section of www.paacademy.com web page.

4.1. The parties to this contract are the BUYER and the SELLER and all obligations and responsibilities regarding the performance of this contract belong to the parties. This agreement shall enter into force on the date of electronic approval by the BUYER.

4.2 The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that he has read and understood all the information regarding the product’s characteristics and conditions of sale subject to the contract referred to in Article 3 and that he has given the necessary approval for the purchase of this product.

4.3 The SELLER is responsible for delivering the contracted product to the cargo in a sound, complete, in accordance with the specifications specified in the order and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.

4.4 The SELLER, the products or products subject to the contract, shall be delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated by him, provided that it does not exceed the legal 30-day period. This period may be extended to a maximum of 10 days, provided that the BUYER has been notified in advance.

4.5 If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to another person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible for not accepting the delivery.

4.6 Delivery shall be delivered by cargo to the address specified in the form filled out by the BUYER at the time of purchase through the cargo company. The SELLER shall be deemed to have fulfilled its performance fully and completely, even if the recipient is not present at the time of delivery.

4.7 If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the SELLER shall be deemed free of the obligation to deliver the product.

4.8 Expenses and other damages arising from the late delivery of the product in the condition of the buyer in 4.6, or the waiting of the product in the cargo company and/or the return of the cargo to the SELLER shall be borne by the BUYER.

4.9 The PURCHASER is obliged to open and check the packages in front of the authorized person when receiving the packages and to ensure that the product is not delivered to the cargo company if there is any defect. If the package is not accepted and the minutes are kept, the condition must be notified to the SELLER within 3 days with the copy remaining in the BUYER. The SELLER shall ensure a new and healthy delivery as soon as possible.

4.10 Shipping costs for domestic shipments are included in the product price, unless otherwise stated on the product page. For overseas shipments, there is no shipping charge for orders over 300 Euro. For orders less than 300 Euro, the shipping cost belongs to the BUYER. Customs, insurance and other possible expenses are borne by the BUYER.

4.11 If the credit card of the BUYER is used unfairly or unlawfully by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product due to the BUYER’s defect, if the related bank or financial institution does not pay the product price to the BUYER, the BUYER shall deliver the product 3 (three) days. In this case, the shipping costs belong to the BUYER.

4.12 The SELLER provides information on product care and use at www.paacademy.com. The products are warranted for one month from the date of delivery, except for defects caused by use, non-compliance with the maintenance rules of the product, and misuse. The SELLER shall cover the shipping expenses of the products sent to the SELLER for the necessary repair within the warranty conditions.

4.13 The PURCHASER, due to the sales of credit cards only belonging to banks, the interest rates and the default interest rate.

4.14 The BUYER accepts, declares, and undertakes that the provisions regarding interest and default interest shall be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the bank and the BUYER in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.

4.15 In cases where the BUYER exercises his right of withdrawal or if the product subject to the order cannot be supplied for various reasons, The amount paid by the BUYER cannot be refunded to the BUYER in cash. After the SELLER pays the fee to the bank at once, the bank will refund the card to the bank.

4.16 In order to be able to perform refunds in accordance with the general communiqué numbered 385, the relevant return sections of the invoice must be completely filled in and returned to the SELLER together with the product after signing. The BUYER declares, accepts and undertakes to accept this procedure.

5.1 The BUYER shall have the right to withdraw from the contract by refusing the goods without any legal and criminal responsibility and without giving any reason within seven days from the date of receiving the goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the SELLER shall be notified by fax, e-mail, or telephone within the same period, and the product must not be used. If the right of withdrawal is used, the product price is returned to the BUYER within 10 days. Expenses arising from exercising the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER.

5.2 Pursuant to the Regulation on Distance Contracts, the right of withdrawal may not be exercised in the case of goods manufactured or made special to the purchaser in accordance with the special requests and demands of the BUYER and in the case of goods whose price is determined in the stock market or other organized markets.

5.3 Other non-payment to send the BUYER is obliged to pay tax on items taken at customs. The buyer has no right to withdraw the products that have not been received in any way from customs.

6.1. In the event that the parties fail to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, the provisions of the Borrower’s Default in Article 106-108 of the Code of Obligations shall apply. In the event of default, if any party fails to perform its actions without justifiable reason within its term, the other party shall grant a period of 7 days to the party who does not perform its performance for the performance of the said act. In the event that this is not fulfilled during this period, the right to demand the delivery of the goods and/or the termination of the contract and the refund of the price shall arise by requesting the performance of the performance from the party not fulfilling its performance.

6.2. If the SELLER cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within due time due to force majeure conditions that may prevent the SELLER from fulfilling this obligation or weather opposition that prevents transportation, such as interruption of transportation, fire, earthquake, flood ; in such cases, the BUYER may use one of the rights that the SELLER has no responsibility, the cancellation of the order or postponement of the delivery time until the elimination of the preventive status. If the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid shall be paid to him within 10 (ten) days.

In case of disputes arising from this contract, the Arbitration Committees of the Consumer Problems in the settlement of the BUYER or SELLER shall be authorized until the value announced by the Ministry of Customs and Trade each year, and the Consumer Courts shall be authorized in the disputes above this value.

This agreement shall enter into force on the date of electronic approval.

The English translation of the Agreement is for informational purposes only. In case of any dispute, the Turkish contract shall prevail.

RECEIVER: [Invoice-Name][Invoice-Company]
DATE: [Date]

Preliminary Information Form
A. Basic characteristics of contract product or service,
PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE MIMARLIK MEDYA LTD.ŞTİ provides the teaching (ordering) a distance architecture, design, and software education in a real-time video (online) on the web.

An agreement is drawn up in the electronic environment with the users who want to receive distance architecture and design education from PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE MIMARLIK MEDYA LTD.ŞTİ, in a real-time Zoom Meeting session, on the website of www.paacademy.com (distance [real-time video] architecture education portal) or watching the recordings of the courses, and who have accepted and undertook the terms of the agreement, and for the legal parents or guardians of those who are under 18 years old and will be a user.

Architecture education is provided by TUTOR MEMBERS who are natural or legal persons and who are not employees of PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE and who are independent contractors that provide service to the USER/STUDENT MEMBER by offering distance architecture and software teaching via PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE real-time video chat session, distance architecture and design education portal and infrastructure as per the provisions of the membership agreement.

Tuitions can be examined and selected in detail on the website paacademy.com.

It is possible to benefit from PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE services by purchasing course credits on the website in the electronic environment or by other methods specified in the agreement.

This AGREEMENT hereby shall enter into force on the date it is signed by the parties or confirmed electronically/by e-mail confirmation and is deemed to have been signed with the electronic confirmation/e-mail confirmation by the USER/STUDENT MEMBER to the text of the AGREEMENT, and it is applied.

B. The total price of goods or services, including all taxes, the method of calculating the price if it cannot be calculated in advance due to its nature, all carriage, delivery, and similar additional expenses, if any, information that additional expenses can be paid if these cannot be calculated in advance
Course credit fees are set separately for each option in the tariff explicitly stated by PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE MIMARLIK MEDYA LTD.ŞTİ on www.paacademy.com (distance [real-time video] architecture education portal) site or watching the recordings of the courses.

C. The conditions of using the right of withdrawal in cases where the right of withdrawal comes into question, such as its duration and procedure; information about the carrier that the seller proposes for return.
There is the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the date of the agreement. However, the right to withdraw cannot be exercised if the purchased education packages, services, or products are fully used. If any course or workshop is going to be held in the future, the USER/STUDENT MEMBERS have a full right to WITHDRAW/cancel and ask for a full refund before the course starts. If the course or workshop is a recorded session or a video ready to watch right after the purchase, they have no right to ask for WITHDRAWAL/cancellation, and the purchase cannot be undone or refunded.

The purchase of recorded courses and videos is non-refundable and non-transferable.

The refunds shall be made within 10 (ten) business days of the USER/STUDENT MEMBER providing the necessary information and documents (ID, bank account number, credit card number, etc.).

The refund shall be made to the USER/STUDENT MEMBER’s bank account or credit card number. PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE cannot be held responsible for defaults in the bank and other payment channels. (AGREEMENT Article 8.2)

D. In cases where the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised, information that the consumer cannot benefit from the right of withdrawal or information about under which conditions they will lose their right to withdraw
If the right of withdrawal is not exercised within 14 days of the contract date, the USER/STUDENT MEMBER loses its right to withdraw.

The right of withdrawal cannot be used if the USER/STUDENT MEMBER purchases a recorded course or is ready to watch videos. The purchase of recorded lectures, workshops, and videos is non-refundable and non-transferable.

In cases where PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE cannot provide education packages, services, or products due to the USER/STUDENT MEMBER’s misconduct, the USER/STUDENT MEMBER loses his/her/her right to withdraw.

In case of agreement termination due to the USER/STUDENT MEMBER’s misconduct, the USER/STUDENT MEMBER loses its right to withdraw.

If there is less than 2 hours before the start of the course, the USER/STUDENT MEMBER CAN NOT CANCEL this course, and therefore, they lose the right to withdraw. No refund is made to them for this course hour. (AGREEMENT Article 8.3)

BY CONFIRMING THE ABOVE ASPECTS and THIS TEXT HEREBY, YOU WILL ENTER INTO THE OBLIGATION AND COMPLETE THE PAYMENT. (In the case of an electronic confirmation, the date and time of the confirmation button shall be valid.)