Integr8.AEC: Facades - Algorithmic Data Management

The workshop aims to define a well-organized stage that allows participants to learn more about different workflows for designing a geometrical yet functional facade.

May 11, 2024
Available Indefinitely

Computational Design is not confined to complex projects in forms. It principally is related to managing data flows from a range of variant factors/disciplines where each parameter impacts the functions and aesthetics of a project in each A, E, and/or C in the building industry. While most relevant sources are currently dedicated to research projects, the professional utilization of automotive algorithms, open-source toolkits, and datasets are pivotal for computational designers to consider.

In the context of Integr8.AEC, we develop course materials deducted straight from what we experience and synced with real-world applications of computational Design. Therefore, this course guarantees attendees’ insight and growth through workflows, respecting how to become professionals in this field. The engaging double-sided perspectives from what is on screen would become something on a real scale, helping the participants to learn to read parametric relations and then write specific functions implementing informed decisions based on data structure and optimized solutions. This course is built upon the following modules:

  • Parametric Modeling from 2D Plans to 3D Models
  • Facade Surface Optimized Design + Statistic Analysis
  • Algorithmic Constructability Check
  • Facade Elements’ Parametric 3D-Modeling

This workshop tries to define a well-organized stage that allows participants to learn more about different workflows for designing a geometrical yet functional facade. While the building codes are one of the objectives to consider, which might seem like a constraint, using parametric modeling in a proper context and respecting these limitations is the key. Therefore, every individual or group participant will find the challenge of using the right tool in the appropriate framework, comprising an authentic experience. The instructors and the guest speakers will walk the participants through the whole process, informed by what they faced as issues, errors, and complications supported by the solutions.

This approach, which Ardaena uses in workshops as a legacy, assurances the students’ understanding to be conceived well-structured for parametric AEC, representing a considerable part of the gap between the academic and professional world in the computational design field.

Once the workflows and experiences are shared, all participants will be divided into groups and start applying what they have learned on a modular façade system, a separate part of a whole project. Each group’s endeavors will be shared, and an entire project will be completed as pieces of a facade. During the workshop, the common language will be Grasshopper3D, and the Python Codes developed by Ardaena will also be shared among the groups so they can find themselves in their next steps.

Learning how to work among AEC-related file formats
Parametric Modeling and how to add/remove tags/labels/attributes on each object to manage a facade through data structure
Geometrical Analysis and Understanding of how Grasshopper3D is reliable for managing data flows through a well-established workflow.
Facade Systems Parametric Modeling from Design to Fabrication.
  • Following the central cores of the workshop, we will take on expanding the participants’ knowledge with these elaborated descriptions for each segment of this workshop:

  • Parametric Modeling from 2D Plans to 3D Models: Students will learn how to transfer data from DWG files into Rhino, followed by extracting useful data with Grasshopper3D. They will also learn how to set up the workflow to be parametrically reliable for generating the 3D building from 2D Plans while every façade element is placed in a data structure for later recalls.

  • Facade Surface Optimized Design + Statistic Analysis: Adding an informative layer of data into any design iteration that emphasizes early-stage design is highly valuable. In this segment, students will learn how to analyze their parametric model corroborated with building codes, facade systems, and architectural features. Reports will be live between Grasshopper3D, Rhino, and Data Visualization.

  • Algorithmic Constructability Check: This segment takes on a great partial of having students’ minds ready to know what the building industry requires in action. Constructability Check in a parametric format to add physical and mechanical properties of materials into Gh3D pushes participants to learn how much waste of time, cost, and resources their design has. This segment will transcend students’ skills from screens to the project site and help them understand Design for Manufacturers.

  • Facade Elements’ Parametric 3D-Modeling: The final section finishes the process by preparing students to automate their approved façade design drawings. Respecting their Building Model, The Façade Geometry they have chosen, Material Properties, and Constructability Check, they will experience how to fulfill requirements to get ready for manufacturing. The Façade System, as in 3D Elements, will be attached to the main building surface; therefore, each group has experienced Parametric Modeling followed by Algorithmic Engineering.


The “Integr8.AEC: Facades” Free Studio workshop by PAACADEMY.
Total sessions: one session
PAACADEMY will provide a certificate of attendance.
8 reviews. Join the discussion!
Lambis Stratoudakis

Lambis Stratoudakis 2024-10-10 05:37:17

Incredible, Thanks for everything.


albi.shita 2024-10-13 19:21:39

Amazing, the best learning platform I have ever subscribed


Emre 2024-10-23 11:28:43

Great course, thank you

Leonardo Laguna

Leonardo Laguna 2024-10-29 20:35:25

Good course for applicate to my project !


behnaz.khaksaar 2024-11-18 18:32:41

as always it was the BEST! TYSM

Yazan Alkhateeb

Yazan Alkhateeb 2024-12-28 12:11:03

Thank you for an insightful course!

Alberto Aguayo

Alberto Aguayo 2025-01-05 21:19:17


Tugce Aladi

Tugce Aladi 2025-01-17 14:52:18

the course provided thorough and detailed knowledge, thank you