The Stone Architecture course aims to show the unexpressed potential of structural stone and digital stereotomy for contemporary architecture.
The Stone Architecture course aims to show the unexpressed potential of structural stone and digital stereotomy for contemporary architecture.
The whole course will be divided into three parts: the first part deals with a historical introduction and evolution of stereotomic architecture; the second part is related to the three-dimensional parametric/variational modeling techniques of complex vaulted spaces; the last part is about visualization and production of pictures, videos, and VR applications to present a project. Students will be guided through the design process of a stereotomic project during the course, which will be modeled, rendered, and optimized for VR.
Week 1
0.5-hour long introduction + 1.5 hours long lecture + 2 hour Rhino GH/3D Studio lab intro
Week 2
1-hour long lecture + 1-hour Rhino GH/3D Studio Class + 2 hours design studio and live reviews
Week 3
2 hours Rhino GH Class + 2 hours design studio and live reviews
Week 4
2 hours Rhino GH Class + 2 hours design studio and live reviews
Week 5
2 hours Twinmotion Class + 2 hours design studio and live reviews
Week 6
2 hours Twinmotion Class + 2 hours design studio and live reviews
Week 7
4 hours of final presentations
Rhinoceros 7.0. The 90-day trial version can be downloaded from the website.
Autodesk 3D Studio. The 1-year educational version can be downloaded from the Autodesk website.
Twinmotion. The free academic version can be downloaded from their website.
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