Meta-Fluid Studio explores the quality and power of Fluid Design to conceive cyber-urban environments in virtual cities.
The Meta-Fluid Studio explores the quality and power of Fluid Design to conceive cyber-urban environments in virtual cities. The goal is the creation of a free-standing virtual city designed by 30 different designers teamed up in 3s. For this studio, some teams will create meta-archi typologies, and some designers will join skills to create a ‘meta-urban’ base. Combined, they will create a free-standing, fluid virtual urban field and prove the Multi-Author Urban Design to be the directionality for the future of virtual cities.During this studio, the designers will get acquainted with the 3d modeling software Autodesk Maya – the nr 1 software for Fluid Architecture in the current real-life scenario – and Unreal Engine for the immersive experience of their designs.
For the Meta-Fluid Studio, virtual environments are as real as Physical environments. Together they strengthen the fluid experience of space and push the boundaries of Fluid Design in Architecture.Meta Archi-Typologies: Event Spaces; NFT exhibitions; Crypto Markets; Concert Stages; Sports Stadium; Lice Streamed Arenas / Fashion walk-ways/ Entertainment and nigh-life.Meta-urban Typologies: Master planners; vertical and horizontal voided buildings; water and green ration; multi-layers of urban circulation.
Week 1
introduction + basic modeling in Maya – Archi-typologies and urban techniques
Week 2
creation of teams + continuation of Maya modeling Typologies and Urban fields + brief and meet the teams
Week 3
Maya modeling Typologies and Urban fields + projects review
Week 4
Unreal basic interface with Maya + projects review
Week 5
Unreal and experience of space + Projects Review
Week 6
Combine the final scene + Project Reviews
Week 7
Final Presentation