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Digital Ecology – Generative City / Studio Soomeen Hahm

This workshop will make participants think about the relationship between architecture and its context.

Jun 8 - Jul 20, 2021
5 + 1 Sessions (24 Hours)
297.50 EUR (25.63%) discount
Available Indefinitely

Digital Ecology – Generative City by PAACADEMY will make participants think about the relationship between the architecture and its context, the program and its environment, and the building and the ground by speculating how architecture responds to the changing landscape due to variation in the environment. The studio will run and lead by Soomeen Hahm and Hanjun Kim from Soomeen Hahm Design. 6-week-long project-based online studio by PAACADEMY.

Explore the relationship between architecture and its context.
Build digital landscapes in a virtual environment.
Generate urban designs on a virtual site.
Use Unity for architectural visualization.
We will start by building a digital landscape in a virtual environment using Unity, then generate a city on the virtual site. The final proposal will be represented in an animated film, which will showcase the design of the building, the ground, and the context.


Soomeen Hahm to lecture at the CD NEXT 4.0 conference, the world’s most famous Computational Design event by far. Soomeen is the founder of the SoomeenHahm Design Ltd, a design faculty and robotic researcher at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc). Interested in looking at the ecology of computational power, technology, and human intuition, looking at how this collaboration impacts the design industry and physical environment lately, the office has been focusing on the use of Augmentation (i.e., AR/VR/wearables) to invoke immersive experiences of users and builders of our future cities.


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